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NVA - Army

 Product Description

The author of this book is a very good friend and I am providing him an advertising platform for his excellent set of reference books about DDR daggers and swords, which are published in German and in English language within the same book. There are a total of three volumes and I have created a listing for each of these books here. You can purchase these directly from the author Roman Korinth by contacting him at this email romankorinth@gmail.com 

Volume 3 - 247 pages - 129 Euros + postage

In our first two books, we tried to focus mostly on the daggers of honor. The history, the manufacturing process and a short military career of the dagger bearers. We have decided to show a ruby dagger, given to Erich Honecker, in volume 3 and to show some general estates in more detail that can show the path of a soldier well. Especially the numbering of the officer's daggers, with and without the company logo and the corresponding year of acceptance by the TKO. Why are there duplicate officer's dagger numbers? Which officer's dagger sheath was there in which years of issue? What is verifiable about the parade sabers?

Finally, the topic of the minister's daggers, which engravings are documented, where was which engraving issued, etc. The first 50 orders can purchase a numbered and signed copy. 

In unseren ersten beiden Büchern haben wir versucht, uns größtenteils auf die Ehrendolche zu konzentrieren. Die Geschichte, das Herstellungsverfahren sowie einen kurzen militärischen Werdegang der Dolchträger.  Wir haben uns entschlossen, in unserem Band 3 einen Rubindolch zu zeigen sowie einige Generalsnachlässe etwas genauer zu zeigen, die gut den Weg eines Soldaten aufzeigen können. Speziell die Nummerierung der Offiziersdolche, mit und ohne Firmenlogo und dem dazugehörigem Abnahmejahr durch die TKO. Warum gibt es Offiziersdolchnummern doppelt? Welche Scheide der Offiziersdolche gab es in welchen Ausgabejahren? Was ist belegbar zu den Paradesäbeln?

Zum Schluss das Thema der Ministerdolche, welche Gravuren sind, belegt, wo wurde welche Gravur ausgeben usw.

You can check out details for Volume 1 here and for Volume 2 here

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