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There was conscription service in the DDR, which could be done with the NVA, Grenztruppen, BePo, MfS or Kompanien der TraPo. Every able bodied male had to do military service. Minimum term for conscript service was 18 months, then there was SaZ, which was 24 months. Conscript NCO's (UaZ) served for three years. All of the above wore conscript service uniforms, if serving in the NVA or along the border proper (not Berlin). Wachregiment, Berlin GT, etc conscripts wore special forms of career soldier quality uniforms. Last form of conscript service was OaZ, which was to be a short term officer and serve for four years, but had career soldier quality uniforms. After that was Berufssoldat (professional/career soldier), who wore career service uniforms. Shortest was 10 years service as BU (career NCO), then Fähnrich, which was 15 years minimum and finally Berufsoffizier, which was 25 years minimum service. There was also an option for specialist officer service of 10 years only, but that was quite uncommon.

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